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Writer's pictureEdson Rahl

How To Manifest Anything You Want With The Law of Attraction.

Updated: Apr 1, 2020

The Law of Attraction is a universal law that says everything you want, already exists as vibration. This law of attraction is accessible to all of us, but we have to understand and learn how to use it in our lives. The law of attraction means that beyond the literal reality of our everyday lives, things are vibrating on a deeper, atomic level. The universe in its entirety is organized through vibration and is capable of providing you with everything that you desire in life!  But you have to be offering the right signal, or frequency that matches it, in order to draw it to you.

Before we continue to the steps that will help you manifest everything that you want, I would like to update you on the most current information regarding The Law of attraction.

Note: Scientific proof

The current Scientific discovery has shown that; The number one reason why we can’t manifest for anything we want is because we are stuck in a “mind prison”. When you’re stuck in “mind prison”, you can only focus on the “reality” you see around you now and keep attracting the things you try to avoid in life.

If you're struggling financially, most probably because you are unable to visualise yourself becoming financially free… all you can think about is the overdue bills and debts that are piling up…

Manifestation Code consists of powerful, mind-altering audio tracks to help ordinary people to attract more wealth and abundance into their lives.

It is a tried, tested, and perfected system that leverage on Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) approach, for our brains to produce mind-transforming “passcodes” to unlock your "mind prison". By doing so, you can completely transform your financial future in the simplest and easiest way possible.

For more information about manifestation code and how to download these wealth tracks, you can click here to learn more.

So how do you manifest the things that you want? How do you match the frequency of your desires so that they flow effortlessly into your experience? The law of attraction is simple and works the same for everybody, but it does require a deep understanding of how vibrational frequency works.

You cannot just say, “I want a relationship/ money/ healthy body and like magic have what you want arrive just like that! As long as you are focused on the absence of the thing that you desire, you cannot attract the presence of it into your life. If you spend the majority of time feeling bad about how poor you are, how sad/ lonely or whatever it is, all you are actually doing vibrationally, is amplifying that current “reality” for yourself. What you have to do is start imagining what it would be like to already have the things that you want in your life experience.

Let’s say you want to be a millionaire or win a lottery. Are you capable of imagining what it FEELS like to be a millionaire? The law of attraction works by matching the feeling place of having the things you yearn for. It does not matter what is currently happening in your reality, the secret lies in your ability to feel and embody what it would be like to be a very rich person.

In order to allow in the manifestation, rather than forcing things, we must allow ourselves to match the frequency of the vibration of the things we have asked for by relaxing, visualizing, enjoying and feeling our way to that “vibrational reality” with our emotions.

Meditation is an excellent way to ease yourself into the process of attracting your desires. This is because through the act of meditating and quieting your mind, you release the resistant thoughts that hold your desires apart from you.

For example, a simple meditation like the following, practiced every morning, can work to draw your desires to you as you practice the vibration of those desires.

Begin by finding an intention. Something that you wish to change in your life, something you want to be/ do or have. Once you have decided on your intention, sit quietly somewhere comfortable, and close your eyes.

Imagine that a stream of powerful, white light is flowing down through the top of your head. Allow this radiant light to fill your mind with positive energy. Feel and sense it clearing your mind and glowing through you, opening up the energy center at the top of your head. Keep your focus on this brilliant energy and imagine its flow expanding out to everyone and everything. Send positive energy to the entire world. Try to imagine that the thing you intended already exists. It is not something that you have to strive for it is already here. That desire you hold so close is happening right now, in the present moment. Don’t wonder about and look for evidence that it is here, just believe strongly that it is. Feel it. Know that people, conditions, circumstances, and events have altered to allow it to be here, existing right now. When you feel your desire in this way, visualizing it into existence, you are activating the law of attraction. That powerful, universal law is at this moment magnetizing and bringing your desire to you. It is cooperating with exactitude to match the frequency output coming from you, and sending it back into your life. It is happening right now, in the present moment. It is not something you have to wait for. This is important; you must feel its presence within you. When you are in alignment with your desires, you are being, thinking, feeling and knowing – with all your being – that these desires, goals, and ambitions have happened and you are living them.

Next, you must release the intention from your mind. Let it go out into the universe. Do not cling to it or feel attached in any kind of needy way. You must be willing to release it with the faith and confidence that it is yours. Now, listen to any message that comes to you from your inner being – your higher self. The messages that come will feel like an impulse or instinct, something guiding you towards action, that will help bring forth these desires. Sit quietly and wait for any kind of sign. You may not hear it right away, you may want to go into your day, safe in the knowledge that a message will come and you will feel guided towards the right path. This might be in the form of a specific person, who will be able to help you, or an article you read, something you hear, etc. When you focus on the end result of having your desire, you will be guided towards that end, by the universe through various avenues.

Take into consideration that the universe always works for your highest good. You may well be being guided towards something even better than your desire, something that you perhaps cannot currently comprehend. Be open to this inspiration, and know that the universe is always yielding to you, the essence of your desire, according to your vibration. There is such a thing as perfect, divine timing. Sometimes, we may desire something that we need to evolve more as people first before receiving. In examples like these, we always know and appreciate that we have been perfectly placed on the right path at the right time. Trusting in divine timing means knowing that the universe has your best interests at heart.

The key indicator of your manifestation being on its way is the way you are feeling. When you consistently and consciously develop an emotional state of happiness, of positive expectation and gratitude – you will instinctively feel that you are attracting what you want into your life.

Remember too that the law of attraction is a spiritual process; it’s not about material gain. Yes, you may want a car, a house, a vacation in the Caribbean, but remember that behind all these desires is really just a desire for happiness. You think that these things will bring you happiness; the key is to be happy first. The universe loves happy, grateful and appreciative people!

Take the example of Dana, who was sick of feeling bad about herself physically. She had tried every diet and exercise, and still hated her body and most things about the way she looked. After reading about the law of attraction, Dana began to try and change the way she viewed herself. Instead of criticizing her reflection, she began seeing herself in her mind’s eye, how she wanted to look. The reinforcing of positive images in her head, lead her to small changes in the way she went about her day which had a knock-on effect in her entire life.

Soon, people were commenting on how young she looked, how glossy her hair was and how fit she seemed. The power of positive thinking is indescribable. Visualizing yourself differently, using the meditation above, can inspire you to healthier choices that work for you and bring about the manifestation of your desire with the pure power of intention.

The universe is always communicating with you, often in ways that you may not understand or know how to interpret. When you have strong desires and you are open to receiving them, the universe speaks through a sacred guidance system, helping encourage you along your way to manifestation.

To learn more about this download this free “7 Sacred Signs from the Universe” ebook.

These aren’t random coincidences. Science proves that your brain vibrates at different frequencies depending on what you are thinking about … consciously or sub-consciously and vibrationally.

It’s like when you tune into a radio station. You tune into 93.7 for classical music, but you can also tune into 104.7 to hear today’s best hits.

Want to manifest your soul mate? Tune into this station.

Want to manifest more money? Tune into this station.

Want that dream job? Tune into this station

Want to manifest your soul mate, more money and dream job together? Tune into this station

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